Prakhar Shukla

Prakhar Shukla

I'm guy, chasing my curiosity, trying to reason about and understand how everything works.

DNS Hijacking

Some days ago I stumbled on the some text, which

Mac Studio Special Antennas

So I've been a happy owner of Mac

Some macOS Hacks

My love for macOS comes from BSD based POSIX compliant

Cowrie as HoneyPot on my Router

Running cowrie has been a fun little side project I&

More Malware Updates

So this is just a regular update on the malwares

MapTiler - Self-Hosting Maps

Well this exercise began with some requirements from office, but

PostgreSQL Backups - COPY vs INSERT

I wrote some scripts to backup and restore the data

Draw Things - Image to Image

One thing a lot of people asked me was to

banIP - OpenWRT IP List Blocker

So I host a HoneyPot to test whether how many

Understanding Proxmox Backup Server

I use a NAS currently as my storage for my